Presence First

We desire to be a people who are set apart by the presence of God.  

Moses declared in the book of Exodus “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.”  The cry of our hearts is the same today; that the presence of God would precede all we do at River Valley.

As believers, our primary goal in life is to cultivate a wholehearted love relationship with the Lord.  We are committed to living life in the secret place where intimacy and relationship with Jesus is forged.  We have resolved to maintain a rhythm in our lives that does not allow our ministry activity to be bigger then our heart engagement with God.  ‘Presence First’ is the commitment to know the Lord in an intimate way as Father, Friend, and Bridegroom.

Our prayer is that the presence of God would mark all we do, because we’ve cultivated relationship with Him.